Year 6
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Welcome to Hope Class, Mr Peggs and Mrs. Wright.
We are the year 6 class and team at Akaal and we love to learn, support and care for each other. Our jobs is to be role models for our school and show the values of our school which we have held proudly for the last 7 years and continue to do so. We are excited for the last part of our journey and getting ready for the next step of secondary school.
In English this term, we are reading the story ‘Insignificant events in the life of a Cactus’. This follows Aven Green and her adventure moving to a theme park in Arizona called ‘Stagecoach Pass’ We look forward to seeing what happens next. From this, we are looking to create poetry, adventure narratives and lots more to show all of our wonderful English skills and techniques.
In Maths this term, we are looking at Place Value, putting all our past knowledge to the test, and pushing them further so we are ready for the future. We have looked at using words and numbers, ordering, negative numbers and being able to round numbers, which sets our foundations for future learning. In other parts of our week, we have our reasoning and arithmetic session to help with SATs so that children have an understanding about what to expect in maths papers.
This term in ‘Hold Tight Riders’ we are looking at all things rollercoaster and fairground. Using this, we are looking at History, Geography, Science, Dance, Enterprise, Food, Art and Music. We are looking forward to what kids come up and produce some amazing work. Alongside this we have our residential trip to Alton Towers (the children are very excited) to look at the marketing, reasoning and psychology of why a theme park might be constructed in a certain way.
Word Study
Our Word Study sessions follow a four-part sequence:
- Sort
- Explore
- Challenge
- Reflect
Word Study is based on exploring the spelling patterns and meanings of words, and linking them to phonics. The children use the skills to describe words, spelling patterns and meanings; developing a knowledge of words and the way they work as they do so. It is exciting because it pulls together skills we know work in other learning environments, and develops opportunities for children to talk about words and language in meaningful contexts.
We use the skill of reading constantly, but we also have a weekly whole-class reading session on a Friday morning. Each week is based on one of the seven skills:
- Vocabulary
- Retrieval
- Inference
- Sequencing
- Summarising
- Prediction
- Explaining
We discuss which skills we are focusing on and use a range of resources, such as pictures, videos, texts and ‘thunks’.
Our enrichment this year is ‘Find my Future which is taught by Mrs Rai. We have been learning about different careers and mindsets.
Carousel & PE
Our carousel time lets us learn different subjects throughout the week. During one week of the children will cover:
- RE – Miss Nicolas
- Sikhi – Mrs Kooner
- Spanish – Mrs Wallis
- Computing – Mr Peggs
- Personal Development – Mr Hallam
- PE
Useful Websites
IXL have separate pages of skills linked to individual Year group. The Y6 page has links to practise both English and Maths skills. Pages are then split into skills of which has a practise question for the children to think about. (External Website)
BBC Education have produced a whole host of materials for KS2. Follow the KS2 link and then select either Maths or English. Each area usually has an information section for reading, plus an activity and then quiz which is marked online. Some aspects require a subscription. (External Website)
A site with both Maths and English based quizzes which are marked as you go along. (External Website)
A site with a range of information and questions – great for revision purposes! (External Website)
A site with links to old style Key Stage 2 Maths Papers, Maths Tutorials as well as Maths Games. Some of these games are linked to Memory and would therefore help pupils to retain key information. (External Website)
Loads of Maths games on a range of Mathematical concepts. (External Website)
A range of English games and activities. (External Website)
Activities to reinforce and practise a range of spelling rules. (External Website)
A range of activities and games to practise a range of spelling rules and patterns. (External Website)