Year 5
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Welcome to Year 5, Patience Class! This year we have Mrs Kooner, Ms Kennedy and Mrs Garcha working together with Patience Class. We are very excited to be with Patience Class this year and are looking forward to creating many exciting learning opportunities.
Patience Class 2022
We started off the year by thinking about what we love most about being at Akaal. Here is what we said:
January 2023 Update
Happy New Year!
We hope you have had a great start to the year! We certainly have. It’s been a busy month, yet again. In English we have started a brand new book! We are learning how to write in the style of Ted Hughes. Our ‘Iron Man’ slow writes are keeping us busy in English lessons. In maths, we are tackling long multiplication and using our skills to help us answer word problems. Our teachers are definitely keeping us on our toes.
"No Batteries Required" – is the name of our new topic! It’s all about space and the universe. We are having lots of fun learning about the course of rivers, the solar system and the great space race.
During our forest sessions with Mrs Arundel we have learnt how to start a fire (safely of course) with natural materials. In Sikhi, we are learning about the Sikh Empire and Maharaja Ranjit Singh. In personal development we have learnt how to do CPR!
Can you understand why we said it’s been a busy January?
December 2022 Update
We have had lots of fun in December! It’s been a jam-packed month with lots of exciting things going on! We reviewed this terms learning on Sticky Day. We had a go at Mrs Kooner’s tough quizzes and completed the big fat quiz of the term on an app called Nearpod. It was very exciting! Straight after sticky day we started preparing for Mission Impossible. We were given the task of changing the course of history. We tried to re build the Titanic and tested to see if it would float.Mrs Kooner put 40 marbles in our boat and some of our boats sank and some of them stayed afloat. We built lifeboats and had a go at making pulleys as well.
To end this term we did lots of Christmas activities. We learnt songs, learnt about the history of Christmas and participated in the Christmas production. What a busy month it’s been!
Happy Holidays!
The focus in maths in Year 5 is to ensure that children extend their understanding of the number system and place value to include larger integers. This should develop the connections that children make between multiplication and division with fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio.
The year 5 maths curriculum aims to develop children’s understanding further of previously learnt maths material, while also introducing new maths concepts.
In maths lessons, children will work on improving their:
- Problem-solving skills
- Fluency and reasoning
- Logical and analytical thinking
- Understanding of how maths is applied in everyday life situations
- Ability to analyse data and spot trends
- And more.
We are working very hard to consolidate our understanding in a range of different maths areas, based on the National Curriculum. We enjoy revisiting our learning in our ‘Can you still books’ and love challenging ourselves with different maths reasoning problems.
What Are We Working On Right Now?
We are currently working on mastering the place value part of the maths curriculum. In lessons on number and place value, children will continue to develop their number sense. This includes reading, writing, comparing and ordering numbers to at least 1,000,000.
They’ll also need to know how to:
- Round any number up to 1,000,000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000
- For numbers up to 1,000,000, count forwards and backwards in steps of powers of 10
In maths Year 5, children also learn to interpret negative numbers in practical contexts, which includes counting forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers.
In English, we have been working hard writing diary entries, adventure stories and creating double page spreads. Double page spreads help us organise our ideas at the beginning of a new book. We then use these to form a draft, before creating a final piece. We are always aiming to improve our writing, and work very hard to edit and improve our work; making sure we have included different grammatical skills and tools. Currently, we are enjoying reading "Coraline". We will be writing a mystery narrative based on what we have learnt from Coraline.
Our first topic, ‘The Edge’, is based around disasters. We have weekly missions on our ‘Mission Log’ and each mission has a brief and debrief sheet that tells us what we need to do to achieve and whether we have achieved or not. We cover human and physical Geography, Art, DT, History, Dance, Music, Science and Topic Maths. We learn lots about Mount Everest so far - have a look at some of our work!
Word Study
Our Word Study sessions follow a four-part sequence:
- Sort
- Explore
- Challenge
- Reflect
Word Study is based on exploring the spelling patterns and meanings of words, and linking them to phonics. The children use the skills to describe words, spelling patterns and meanings; developing a knowledge of words and the way they work as they do so. It is exciting because it pulls together skills we know work in other learning environments, and develops opportunities for children to talk about words and language in meaningful contexts.
We use the skill of reading constantly, but we also have a weekly whole-class reading session on a Friday morning. Each week is based on one of the seven skills:
- Vocabulary
- Retrieval
- Inference
- Sequencing
- Summarising
- Prediction
- Explaining
We discuss which skills we are focusing on and use a range of resources, such as pictures, videos, texts and "thunks".
Carousel & PE
Our carousel time lets us learn different subjects throughout the week. During one week of the children will cover:
- RE – Miss Nicolas
- Sikhi – Mrs Kooner
- Spanish – Mrs Wallis
- Computing – Mr Peggs
- Personal Development – Mr Hallam
- PE (Swimming)