Year 2
Click Here To Download The Year 2 Coverage Document
Welcome to the Year 2 Respect Class
Download Our Autumn Term Newsletter
This year the class teacher will be Mrs Wallis, she will be supported in class by Miss Xecur in the mornings and Mrs Joshi. Together the year two team will work together to provide the best possible learning opportunities and environment for the children. We are excited about the learning that will take place, the adventures we will go on and the memories that we will make throughout the year. If you need to speak to us we are available at the start or end of the day and via email. Please do speak to us if you need any help or support with your child’s learning. We take pride in our learning environment and we encourage the children to do so too.
What We Do & How We Do It
Each week we have a mini mission, these are put in a mission list at the front of our topic books and key stamped if we have achieved our mission. We take lots of pride in our work and we think it looks amazing, we are very proud of what we have achieved.
With each topic we have a special room, we call this the Immersion Room, this room is used for role play and to inspire the creative juices of our children, we also use it as a room where we can further embed learning that has happened over the previous weeks. Our topics this year will be:
Mind the Gap – Autumn Term
This will teach children about the history surrounding London, including The Great Fire of London, London transport, important buildings, where London is in the UK, we will study the art work of Ben Moseley and there will be a residential trip to London.
Download Our Mind The Gap Mission Log
Prepare for Take Off – Spring Term
This will teach children about the history of flight including the Wright Brothers, Amelia Earhart and Amy Johnson, the science behind flight, where in the world you can fly to, work about Peter Pan and will also include a trip to Manchester airport where the children will find out about how airports really work, the jobs you can do and what happens to your bags after you check them in.
I’m a Survivor – Summer Term
During this term children will learn about growing plants, animal life cycles, basic food chains and habitats in science. In geography children will learn the difference between human and physical geography, how to read maps, how to follow a compass and we will also be learning some basic survival skills like how to tie knots, how to filter water to make it safe and how to build a shelter. Alongside all of these wonderful learning opportunities we will be offering in school there will also be a survival skills trip where the children will get to put into practice what we have been learning in school.
Mission Impossible?
There will be three Mission Impossible tasks over the year, each at the end of the mission work we have been completing. Our first Mission Impossible will be linked to our Mind the Gap Mission work, this will be called ‘Can we locate and create a new Underground Station?’ The children will be challenged to look at the existing stations and monuments around London and design a station to fill the gap.
Mission Impossible 2 will be in the Spring term and will be linked to our Prepare for Take-off work and will be called the Great Akaal Kite-off, who can design and make the most effective kite?
Mission Impossible 3 will be at the end of the Summer term and will be linked to our I’m a Survivor Mission work, this will be called ‘What are the most important things in a survival kit?’ Children will be challenged to create a survival kit including a survival book.
In maths we follow the National Curriculum, at the beginning of each Chapter we have a chapter introduction, this tells the children what they are learning and the small steps they need to do to achieve the objective. At the beginning of every chapter we ask the children to complete a pre assessment, this is so we can see what they know already and allows us to tailor the learning to what the need to know. At the end of each chapter we ask the children to complete an end of chapter assessment, this is their chance to show what they have learned, we like to look at this with each child and share the success with them.
Just like in maths we follow the National Curriculum for English, we study lots of different texts types including narrative stories, recounts, Newspaper reports, poetry, Information texts and many more. We have a chapter introduction for each area that we learn about. This sets out clearly what the children will be learning and the small steps they need to take to achieve the learning goal. Where possible we link the texts that we are studying in English to our Mission work. In the Autumn term we have been learning to write historical fiction stories linked to the Great Fire of London and based on the story Vlad and the Great Fire of London. We will also be learning to tread and appreciate poetry, write our own poems as well as learning about non-chronological reports.
Reading is approached for a number of angles in Year 2. We have weekly whole class reading sessions where we look at specific element of reading each week, these include:
- Sequencing
- Retrieval
- Summarising
- Inference
- Prediction
- Explaining
- Vocabulary
Alongside this we have colour banded books which the children take home and read with an adult, ideally we suggest that your child reads at home at least 4 times a week to ensure that that continue to make excellent progress.
Enrichment – Find My Rhythm
During this year children will learn to play Tabla with Mr Manku and will also have dance lessons with Yoga Jo.
The children thoroughly enjoy our Thursday afternoons.
Every Monday we have a carousel day where the children will learn a number of subjects. These subjects are taught by different staff member and makes the most of the strengths we have as a teaching team.
- Sikhi – Mrs Kooner
- RE – Miss Nicolas
- Computing – Mr Peggs
- Personal Development – Mr Hallam
- Spanish – Mrs Wallis