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Welcome to Reception
Welcome to Truth Class! Mrs Kaur and Mrs Hussain will be teaching and supporting the Reception class. Already the children have been getting to know each other, forming new friendships and learning the rules and routines of the classroom. Truth class began their learning with reading ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson and exploring learning opportunities around this book.
Our Curriculum
The EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) curriculum at Akaal Primary School is based from the Early Years Statutory Framework that sets the standards for learning and development and care for children within our Reception Year.
There are seven areas of learning and development which are divided into the prime areas: communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development and the specific areas: literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, expressive arts and design.
Underpinning how children learn are the characteristics of learning which include: playing and exploring where children investigate and experience things and have a go; active learning where children concentrate and keep on trying as well as enjoy their achievements; creating and thinking critically where children develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop ways for doing things.
We also follow Developmental Matters, which is the non- statutory guidance that supports the way children develop and learn.
Our children learn through a play based environment, where they explore and access challenges throughout their learning day. The children are encouraged to become independent learners and apply skills they have acquired. Skills are taught through a range of approaches and include, whole class based activities, small group activities and independent learning. We also encourage our children to share their interests and contribute to what they would like to learn next, especially through their topic learning.
Tapestry is a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. We use Tapestry at Akaal Primary School to build up a record of your child’s experiences during their time with us in Reception. We record the children’s play and learning and share this with parents to celebrate each child’s achievements. All parents will have to opportunity to contribute to their child’s account and contribute learning from home.
Outdoor Learning
Our reception children have access to a large outdoor space to further develop their skills throughout their learning day. The outdoor learning is an opportunity to further develop the provision that takes place indoors. The children have access to a range of equipment that includes bikes, climbing equipment, loose parts to build and create with, maths and literacy resources, balls, skipping ropes, large construction building as well as a mud kitchen!
At Akaal Primary school, we follow the Read, Write, Inc (RWI) phonics programme. Truth class are well on their way in learning the first set of sounds called Set 1 sounds from the programme. The children have four sessions of RWI per week. This involves learning the new sound, writing the sound, sounding out two and three letters words that have the new sound in it and then making two and three letter words using magnetic letters on magnetic boards called wordtime. The phonics learning is also supporting in activities within the provision.
Truth class have access to a wealth of reading books, including non-fiction and rhyming books. Each child has been given a reading book to take home. The reading books are changed regularly by the teacher. They are heard read weekly. The books have pictures in them for the children to talk about what they see. Also, the pictures are there for the children to try and link the pictures together to tell a story or link the ideas. Please support your children by letting them share their reading book at least four times each week.
This term, the children will be learning to match and sort, recognise and name basic 2d shapes, develop some basic comparison of size and develop a deep understanding of number 1 to 5. This will include knowing the order of these numbers when counting in 1s and what is one more and one less than the number. The children will begin to use loose parts to count reliably to 1-5 and begin to use objects to make number bonds for each number. They will also learn how to subitise amounts of objects up to 3. Maths as well as the other areas of learning are taught within activities set up in the environment.
Once Upon A Time…Knights And Princesses
Truth class have made an impact on their topic already with a visit to Bolsover Castle! They will use their visit as a stimulus to learn about Castles from in the past, the features and the different rooms inside a castle. This will form a comparison to homes today. The children will also hear and learn about fairy tales that are set in a castle. They can then act out the stories they hear and dress up as characters. The children will also explore musical instruments and learn how to beat a simple pattern on tambourines, drums and kitchen pots! Amongst all that wonderful learning, Truth class will be making castles from playdough and junk modelling as well as using small world to act out stories.
Our Reception children take part in a weekly balance ability session and yoga session. These are led by our expert tutors. The children learn essential skills of balance, co-ordination and mindfulness. Watch this space to how well Truth class are getting on!